Thank you Saralyn ~ you will always be a true friend and mentor.



Beth, thank you for remembering Loria with this beautiful graphic gift.



Judi, thank you so much for this graphic gift for Loria's birthday.



Donna, thank you so much for
this beautiful graphic gift.



Sue-Anne, thanks so much for
remembering Loria on her birthday.



Susie, you're always so thoughtful!  Thanks
so much for  remembering my Loria.



Carol, thank you so much for
Loria's birthday graphic gift.



Christine, thank you for remembering Loria.



Ann, thanks so much for
thinking of Loria.



DJ, thank you so much for
remembering Loria's birthday!



Diane, thank you for the beautiful graphic gift for Loria.

Loria, regardless of the amount of time that passes,
know that you will always be my daughter,
you will always be loved,
and you will always be missed.

My entire reason for living
is to continue sharing your memory.
I must NEVER let the world forget that you LIVED!

Happy 29th Birthday in Heaven, sweet girl
... loved you the day you were born,
through the years,
now and forever.

~ MoM

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This page was created with love for Loria on 3/04/08 and last updated on 04/17/2008.

Graphic webset copyrighted and loaned for use by Sindy's Creations